Nighttime Skincare Routine: Expert-Approved Steps for Healthy Skin

Nighttime Skincare Routine: Expert-Approved Steps for Healthy Skin

Taking care of your skin at night is essential, not just because you don't need SPF while you rest. Dermatologists recommend adjusting your skincare routine before bedtime to ensure your skin receives all the vital nutrients and active ingredients it needs. During sleep, your skin undergoes a natural regeneration and repair process, commonly known as "beauty sleep," making it the perfect time to optimize your skincare routine. While the fundamental three steps—cleanse, treat, and moisturize—remain the same, your nighttime regimen will have some slight variations.

Cleansing Start by thoroughly removing the day's makeup and accumulated grime. If you wear makeup, consider using a separate makeup remover to effectively eliminate cosmetics, especially around the eyes, as regular cleansers may not be designed for this purpose. Follow up with the same cleanser you use in the morning, gently working from the inside of your face outwards, and along the hairline and perimeter, extending just beneath the chin.

Toner If you prefer using a toner, apply it in the same manner as you do in the morning. Toners are liquid-based products and should be applied before heavier formulas like serums and moisturizers to allow better absorption into the skin.

Serum or Treatment Nighttime is an ideal period to utilize products with active ingredients that can help slough off dead skin cells or stimulate cell turnover while you sleep. Look for ingredients like alpha hydroxy acids (e.g., glycolic acid) or retinol, as recommended by Dr. Eron. These ingredients can improve skin texture, brighten your complexion, and minimize pores. If you're dealing with hyperpigmentation, consider alternating between a retinoid and the spot-fading active ingredient hydroquinone, as suggested by Dr. David.

Eye Serum Gently apply eye cream around your eyes or use a small amount of your face serum or treatment. Dr. Magovern advises that by gradually introducing more active products around the eye area, you may notice positive changes over time.

Night Cream is especially crucial during the nighttime routine. It helps create a barrier that locks in the skin's natural hydration and seals in the active ingredients, counteracting moisture loss as you sleep. While you can use the same non-SPF moisturizer from your daytime routine, opting for a night-specific formula can offer targeted anti-aging benefits, aiding in repairing the damage accumulated throughout the day. Regular moisturizers primarily focus on improving the skin's natural moisture barrier, but night creams often contain active ingredients that go beyond hydration, according to Dr. Jennifer Ortega, a dermatologist in Miami. FL


Following these expert-approved steps in your nighttime skincare routine can support your skin's health and achieve a radiant complexion. Remember that consistency is key; over time, you'll likely notice the positive effects of investing time and care into your skin's well-being.

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